NOW Re-brand

NOW — Creating a community obsessed with brilliant entertainment and sport


Ever get the feeling you’re just scrolling through life? NOW was born to right the wrongs of the entertainment industry and remove all barriers to watching whatever you want right now.


From name to identity to positioning, NOW was created in 2012 to be the ultimate challenger. But by 2020, it was time to adapt for an audience experiencing the global pandemic. We ran business-wide workshops to set the future vision for NOW.


To build NOW’s fame, I headed up a rebrand team, starting by adapt the master logo inspired by content we’re really excited by. Our adaptive logos are unique, demonstrating we’re passionate about our content. The ‘O’ of NOW captures light and energy from the films and shows we love, drawing people into our brand and our brilliant content. My purpose was to make NOW as entertaining as possible


In the UK, the brand has been so successful at making now as entertaining as possible that we’ve rolled it out across Ireland, the US and Germany. 

Proudly built in Framer

©2023 Canvas

Proudly built in Framer

©2023 Canvas